Thursday, 21 August 2014

Back To School

Can you believe it? In less than two weeks schools will re-open which means, for most households, it is back to some normality. Or in our case Freedom! 

Well until Tanya starts Uni on the 15th.
I am so proud of her....first year is pure physiotherapy.

Me, I get kiddie-free afternoons to walk or run with the dogs (yes, we are getting another and Tanya is so glad she managed to talk me out of calling it Blitzen).  On the flip side I am going to be preparing all the evening meals. Is it me or can you hear Tanya whooping for joy on that one?

What this also means is that we have to manage our time as best as possible and book time in for ourselves. We all have busy lifestyles.

If I use Tanya as an example; she is our director so deals with most of our social media, the accounts, teaching too, plus as the Chair of the Guild of Pre & Postnatal Exercise Instructors has responsibilities, Uni and being a mum she needs to organise her work, rest and play. Even so she has already booked in her regular training sessions which keeps her sane, physically fit and pain free. 

For instance having a regular fitness sessions booked in and knowing that we can't cancel it because our body needs it as much as our minds need to be challenged. In many cases when we feel exhausted it is because our job has exhausted that part of your mind but going and doing a different type of activity like an exercise class, personal training session or taking the dog for a walk will actually help to reinvigorate you.

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