Friday, 24 October 2014

What can Fitter-Faster do for You?

I could write a whole page on the benefits of exercise and nutrition but that will quite frankly bore the pants off most people....

So I'm not.

What I will say is something that is much more real.

In an age where childhood obesity has risen 250% in the last 30 years (Whittmeier et al, 2008) and the Department of Health's 2008 estimate of 56% of the UK population will be obese by 2020 can we ignore that our current lifestyles are not working?
I can do park run with my daughter who is 4 and not be out of breath.

Pick her up when she has fallen,

Carry her to bed when she is sleep in the car on our drive home.

Play football with my son and chase in the garden.

These are the activites that FitterFaster allows me to do each and every day.

It is not about running a marathon or climbing a mountain.

For me it's about being there for my children and providing an example of health for them in the future.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

Back To School

Can you believe it? In less than two weeks schools will re-open which means, for most households, it is back to some normality. Or in our case Freedom! 

Well until Tanya starts Uni on the 15th.
I am so proud of her....first year is pure physiotherapy.

Me, I get kiddie-free afternoons to walk or run with the dogs (yes, we are getting another and Tanya is so glad she managed to talk me out of calling it Blitzen).  On the flip side I am going to be preparing all the evening meals. Is it me or can you hear Tanya whooping for joy on that one?

What this also means is that we have to manage our time as best as possible and book time in for ourselves. We all have busy lifestyles.

If I use Tanya as an example; she is our director so deals with most of our social media, the accounts, teaching too, plus as the Chair of the Guild of Pre & Postnatal Exercise Instructors has responsibilities, Uni and being a mum she needs to organise her work, rest and play. Even so she has already booked in her regular training sessions which keeps her sane, physically fit and pain free. 

For instance having a regular fitness sessions booked in and knowing that we can't cancel it because our body needs it as much as our minds need to be challenged. In many cases when we feel exhausted it is because our job has exhausted that part of your mind but going and doing a different type of activity like an exercise class, personal training session or taking the dog for a walk will actually help to reinvigorate you.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Face Book crashed but we still kept in contact

Did you know facebook had a little break down on the 18th June?

Lucky for us our clients and friends recieve our free weekly news letter and keep up today.

They don't miss a thing.

Class availability, news and free stuff.

Best of all is that it's free..

Have a read and subscribe.

Monday, 17 March 2014

Pilates, zumba or Crossfit?

Do you?

I love Pilates and Crossfit and dislike Zumba.


It's just not me, it looks fun but I'd rather do the other two instead.

Each to their own but one thing they all have in common is that they have got the population moving.

Around 2005 Pilates was in the press every other day.

Roll on 2012 it was zumba. Everyone were either wanting to be an instructor or were going to a class.

During this time crossfit had slowly been growing behind the scenes in the uk.

I'm not here to say this is better than that but to help you in choosing the right type of health and fitness session.

I have members that started with Pilates but now have added crossfit to their weekly schedule.

Everyone has to start somewhere.

Who is to say the next Zumba client can't be the next crossfit athlete or vice versa.

The western population needs to move more.

Get bums off the couches and away from the tv's and computers.

Just be more active.

So if you like to dance and Latin music go to Zumba.

Pilates is renowned for helping recover from injuries as well firming and toning the core.

Last of all is Crossfit which is for those that don't like the gym yet want the results.

Learn new skills and reach new goals.

Want to know more drop us a line or two.

Thursday, 13 February 2014

I've Been upgrade to Super Hero

Yes today i was upgraded from 

"The worlds best Dad to a Superhero"

How cool is that?

By the way it way no easy picnic to do this.

I did have to suffer pain that way so unbearable that i wanted to cry out loud..

er ok a little dramatic on my part there.

Me and Kahlan (3.5yr old Daughter) where hanging out this afternoon at a local kids place called the Fun Factory.

Its got all the normal thing these kids place have, ball pit, slide, swing and the soft building blocks but the best bit has to be the Bouncy Castle.

Everyone loves a bouncy castle unless you have a weak PELVIC floor and ladies men suffer with this as well.

Something my wife and i come across quite regular with teaching Pilates.

But i digress.

My newborn powers as world best dad came to the front.

Squat Lift and Throw.

Kahlan sailed through the air to bounce up and down laughing all the way only to SHOUT " AGAIN AGAIN"

To the delight of the on looking mums you can  guess what happened next.

A little boy Kahlan had been playing with (his mum was on the next table) appeared to say "Me next, Me next"

So two children being lifted and thrown onto the Bounce Castle soon had my legs and arms burning.

A great workout i might add.

As all nice play times must come to an end on leaving the little boy said Bye to Kahlan and Bye SUPERMAN to me..

I'm off now to inform my wife she has a Superhero as a Husband..

If you want to know more on Pilates ask any questions HERE.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

The power of time?

Earlier I wrote a post on being the best Dad in the world. 

Well my kids think I am.

This is because of some major decision my wife and choose to do 12 month ago.

See 12 months ago we had two studio, we both worked evening and had all the hassles that come with it.

We had enought!

Neither of us through this was the best way to bring up two children.

Both parents working evenings.

So we done sized.

We stoped letting the business run our lives and started to live again.

We get to spend more time now with the kids which is all they want.

On the upside business is great.

It's win win..

Sometimes Bigger is not the best option in business.

Just like our Pilates and 30min bespoke training sessions for weight loss and tone.

Small group of participants means more attention to details.

Check out for more details.

Best Dad in the world!

Well that's what I try to be.

I also try to be one of the healthiest dad's to boot.

Sometimes these don't work out as I'd like.

For instead I did not one sessions of training last week and you know what I didn't feel guilty one bit.

In fact I felt pretty good knowing that with having the week off I can improve next week and that's  exactly what has happened.

I had a week off but my run time has improved yer again.


Now being the best bad in the world is much, much harder.

In fact something I'd rather run a half marathon especially on the days when my two are driving me up the wall.

But as my clients who have older children keep reminding me.

"These times are soo precious before long your two will not even notice when you get home from work or want to give you a hug before going to school"

So why do I think I'm the best Dad In the world?

Simple my two children tell me every day.

Long may this last.